
dermHA’s mission is to provide effective, high quality cosmeceutical products for clinical skin care services and at home maintenance to create and maintain healthier, clearer, younger-looking skin for men, women and teens.

Close up of a daisyAllantoin is an anti-irritant, skin protectant

aloe-vera_01Aloe is a moisturizer and skin protectant

arnicaArnica is an anti-inflammatory, botanical, skin protectant

calendula_flowerCalendula is an anti-inflammatory, anti-irritant, botanical, soothing

Capuacu ButterCapuacu Butter is a healing, soothing, broad spectrum sun protective properties

coconut_oilCoconut oil has sun protecting properties, anti-microbial, anti-fungal, strengthens skin

grape-seed-oilGrape Seed Oil  is an important ingredient because it is anti-aging, anti-oxidant, rich in vitamins, minerals , linoleic acid

Green  powder matcha teaGreen Tea Extract  is anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, anti-irritant, anti-oxidant

Hyaluronic Acid is a key ingredient in dermHA products. It is a powerful humectant, retains moisture, softens & smoothes skin

horsetail_plantHorsetail is a natural astringent

jojobaJojoba is a natural exfoliant. The mildly abrasive jojoba seed powder is used in dermHA products.

luteinLutein serves as an antioxidant, protecting skin from the sun’s blue rays

olivesOlive Water is an antioxidant and natural antimicrobial


Organic Beeswax is an emollient and skin softener



Papaya Enzyme  is an exfoliant and skin conditioner


Salicylic Acid is a popular anti-acne, anti-inflammatory beta hydroxy acid



tamanuTamanu  is a healing, anti-inflammatory,anti-irritant, nutrient-rich skin protectant



valerianValerian is an anti-irritant, calming, botanical



Vitamin A is an antioxidant and skin protectant



OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAVitamin C is an antioxidant

pill-vitamin-eVitamin E is an anti-oxidant, skin softener and healer

wasabiWassabi is the newest cosmeceutical, bioactive compound produced enzymatically; natural chemoprotective agent

witch-hazelWitch Hazel is an anti-inflammatory, astringent, botanical

yarrow-flower-largeYarrow is anti-inflammatory, botanical and moisturizer

Zinc is an anti-inflammatory and healing ingredient

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